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Under the Sunset

Kristie Lynn Nelson

Between the delicate green leaves blowing at the edge of a blooming maple tree, just across the way, in the evening sky, lies a view so remarkable, a view that makes me stare in wonder and keeps me thinking, why in a world so crazy and unhinged does such beauty as a sunset sky with golden layers of the suns remaining rays and hints of pinks and blues along the horizon seem to make everything that’s array feel so peaceful and okay?

Sometimes it feels as if everyday is filled with chaos, constant questions, and necessities to be answered and done. We rise with the knowledge that we must make our way through another day, and we are already filled with frustration over what must be done to complete our day. Our minds are racing on thoughts from the night before or pressures on what is yet to come.

Why is it that we stop living life like innocent free willed children with no cares in the world and start living like mindless robots with constant tasks and negative movement in our lives?

Suddenly all of the joy we once had in waking up to the day and running out to play have just become waking up to a list of things to be done, errands to run, and no where on that list is there a scheduled time to just go out and play. Never do we add to our list of plans to just sit down, soak up the sun and the beauty that surround us and bask in the glory God has given us.

Will we ever learn to stop stressing about what we cannot control, stop being hostile or nervous over what the government is spewing at us, stop walking around filled with anger over what just quite simply has to be done? Will we ever reach the realization that life is what it is and that if we wish to enjoy life than we need to let go and just live.

I have watched people in my life stress over everything and burden themselves with mental anguish on what they have no control over in life until it quite simply took them out of this world and made everyone else’s life a bit more tragic and unhinged. I hear a loved one’s words of worry almost every day over thoughts that have made a place in her mind because she is always burdened by what may happen and always thinking the worst possible scenario’s will occur.

I find myself saying over and over again, “Of all your worries both great and small, the greatest of those are the ones that never happen at all. ““God never gives us anything we can’t handle, or he won’t walk us through, “Greater words have never been spoken and I heard both of these said by the greatest of women in my life, my grandmothers. I carry these words with me always to remind me to just learn to live life and feel peace and tranquility throughout it knowing that life is never certain but, what I can make certain is how I choose to live it.

Today and always, I choose to live my life as if every day feels like that very moment when I am standing at the shoreline of the bluest waters watching the waves cascade across the sand where my toes are gently buried beneath the grains as the warmth of the sun’s beam touches my face and graces me with its fine hello.

I choose to spend every day taking in that glorious sunset and being filled with the beauty it provides and absorbed in the feeling that amongst all of the chaos and the rest of the world going array, I will always have peace and be ok, because I will live my life basking in the bright sunrise and smiling under the sunset knowing that God gave us this beauty to remind us life is all about what we choose to make it.


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