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Living the Best Life

Kristie Lynn Nelson

With a New Year comes New Possibilities, New Changes to Discover and New Opportunities to Start Over and Begin Anew. Find what fills you with happiness and makes you feel complete. Take the chances you were always afraid to and make your life everything you always wanted it to be, so one day when life finds its way to the end you will know you lived the best life you could have ever imagined and that you were abundantly blessed throughout it all.

Each one of our lives has been filled with an immeasurable number of ups and downs. We have walked through each year of our lives making decisions and being given choices that were not always easy. Some of our choices may not have been the right ones and may have led us onto a path that we were not prepared for and found us wishing we could turn back time and rethink the decision we had made. The reality is that those choices made us who we are today and most likely gave us something along the way that we most assuredly do not regret and just may be one of our greatest blessings in life.

I have said it before and I will say it again, only the good lord truly knows the path we are on and the direction we will go from here. We can make all the choices we desire, and some may be perfect choices while others are pitfalls along the way to the right choices. Some of us may never find ourselves reaching that point where the right choice finally presents itself. Sometimes we are just too busy self-destructing to see what the right choices were all along.

There are others who stay in the wrong choice far too long, but the positive to this is perhaps that is exactly where you were supposed to stay until the right choice caught up to you or became available for you. I believe God has a reason for every choice in your life and if he is not on board with one of your choices you are sure to become aware of that in one way or another.

For some, you always believed you had the right choice all along, and quite possibly you did, however God’s plan did not find you staying on that path, but instead designed that to be the beginning of your life and fashioned a much different plan for the second half of your life, one that you never seen coming and weren’t quite sure you were ready for, but once it started to present itself to you, you realized exactly why he had changed your direction and it all started to feel just as it should be.

God’s intentions are never meant to hurt you but instead to mold you and guide you to live your best life through his will and with your faith in him. I believe this with every fiber of my being, and I have come to understand the direction he has put me on and the only thing I have left to understand about his plan for me is to be patient and to wait for the timing to be right and I will soon find that the second half of my life is everything I want it to be.

I have made the decision to reach for all of my dreams and to live my life to the fullest. I will not give up; I will strive for all of my greatest desires, and I will find the patience to wait for what I know is God’s perfect choice for me. I will not be swayed to make choices that I know are not right for me. You get one life and I intend for mine to be everything I want it to be.

So, take this new year, while the world is still chaotic and not ideal, to take chances, discover new opportunities and make the decision to live your life to the fullest, reach for your greatest dreams and grab at what you want and take it!!

This is the life you have been blessed with, own it, love it, and live it in the direction that finds you the happiest you could ever imagine and knowing when your time comes you have no regrets, and you were abundantly blessed through it all!!


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