I think most of us could use a little Sunshine in our lives. With all the dark and abysmal that we are seemingly always fighting off or falling into, a little ray of Sun seems to wash it all away. Sometimes it is not the actual Sunshine that brings a smile or a feeling of hope or happiness but maybe watching the waves along the water or the trees swaying in the breeze. Maybe someone you love sending you a smile or a loving message to remind you that they love you and they are thinking about you. A little ray of sunshine to brighten your day.
With all of the crazy going on in the world, lets be the positive ray in someone’s day. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all make at least one person smile each day? Think of the effect we could have on today’s world, instead of taking in all the negative of the media and the tough days, we could remind someone to smile or give them a reason to smile and feel good about themselves. It does not cost a thing to be positive and share a happy thought or a kind compliment to someone but think of how great you will feel that you brightened some one’s day.
I know I have my children, who always brighten my day, I have the Lord who shines on me each start of my day and at every end of my day, I have great friends and wonderful family who always remind me they are thinking about me and I have a sweet sunshine that tells me Good Morning at the beginning of my day and Sweet Dreams just before I lay my head down for the night and reminds me to smile everyday and remember that I am loved. Nothing in this world is better than that! Having people and reason in your life to feel like everyday is a worth a smile and to remind you how special you are, and your life is. We all need encouragement, accolades, compliments, and inspiration in our lives. Let’s not go through life just going through the motions and feeling like its enough just to get through each day, lets light up this world with smiles and words of kindness and love. Life is short, make sure you are living it and inspiring someone else to do the same!
I love my Sunshine and I love knowing that I have special people in my life that will always remind to smile and to remember that I am special, and I am loved!
Be some ones Sunshine, a little ray of sunshine can go a long way!

I always called Dakota my sunshine. He always gave light to my day.