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About KL Nelson

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

As the writer of KristaBells ponders and a recently published Author I have found great inspiration through my faith and the many trials of life. 

My Story

I am a proud mother of four wonderful children, a registered nurse, a freelance reporter for the local paper where I live, a Kinship Coordinator, and a published author of two books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  I am blessed to have found a second soulmate in my lifetime along with his two amazing children and to have the opportunity to reach for and make all of my dreams a reality. Life is not an easy road to travel on, but if you believe in yourself and you have faith in the lord, you will succeed in finding that incredible path that the lord has chosen for you. 

After losing my first love, I had no idea what was next for me, and I was not sure how I would go on without him next to me. I chose to let God take the lead in my life this time. I gave him the reigns and he is leading me on the greatest journey of my life today. I am so excited to share my story with all of you. 

Keep a look out for my third book to come next year, "Can you See the Real Me? Rebuilding the Real You"

Thank you for your Support!





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